With the rise of partisan media and concerns about "fake news," policymakers should note that nothing currently prevents the dissemination of misinformation in the mainstream media. Up until now, maintaining a reputation for accuracy is the only incentive for a news outlet to issue a correction.
As the public increasingly chooses media based on ideology and not accuracy, we may need more than a voluntary corrections policy.
What if a "hostile corrections" law allowed opposing partisan networks to request corrections when falsehoods are reported as facts? If a judge were convinced that false information was not corrected upon request, they could order the misinforming network to grant the opposing network their airtime.
To find out more about how this policy would alter the incentives facing partisan media, email us at nate@outsideinnovation.org.

As news media become increasingly partisan, it is important to note that nothing requires the correction of reported misinformation.

Under this policy proposal, when one network reports misinformation, a competing network can demand a correction.

If a network refusing to correct misinformation loses in court, the correct network will be able to air the correction on the competitor's airtime.

As news media become increasingly partisan, it is important to note that nothing requires the correction of reported misinformation.